
Graduation Ceremony of Survey Officer Training Course No. (50) and Basic Survey Training...

A three-day training course on Inventory Management System Software was held at the Surv...

A four-day training course on Human Resource Management System Software was held at the...

A three-day training course on Application Master (Inpho) Software application was held...

An eight-day training course on Azuka software application was held at the Survey Depart...

A two-day training course on Leica Sprinter 250M Digital Level ​and Leica D810 Handheld...

A three - day training course on Spectra Precision SP 80 GPS and its related software wa...

Educative Talks and Discussion on prevention of Human Trafficking was held at Survey Dep...

The 6th Waso Robe Offering Ceremony was held at the hall of Myanmar Survey Training Scho...


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